Friday, April 29, 2011


OH MY I couldn't help sharing this with you. We actually saw two double rainbows yesterday as we were locating spots for the new stones carved by Marko Pogacnik and his students.

Blessed by a storm!



Marko Pogacnik has returned to Foxhollow with a group of his students
to carve a series of stone pillars to be distributed around the farm. Each stone represents an aspect of the land. If you have visited our stone circle on the farm that was installed by Marko in 2008, you will know that he designs and places these stones on a landscape in order to support the health of the earth.

Marko will be giving a public lecture here at the Farm Center tomorrow night (Saturday) at 7:30pm. The cost is $15.00 at the door. All of the stones will be installed by May 9th , so please stop by on a Saturday when the store is open ( 10am -5pm) and you can walk around and enjoy them first hand!

More later as the stones are carved! Janey

Monday, April 11, 2011

This weekend I tromped over to our latest creation in education garden for children. Two years ago we started raising the funds to support a garden and nature based education program for children. With the help of a huge yard sale and half of the proceeds from last year's annual Fall festival (the other half goes to Maryhurst) , we are ready to begin!

The garden will have lots of examples of gardening styles from raised beds pictured in this photo on your left to an earth spiral (pictured above). The earth spiral will continue to spiral up to the top and will be filled with herbs. Jamie and Dylan have been working throughout the winter designing the garden and the curriculum for this exciting program. There will be a small pond in the center of the garden and tons of vegetables, herbs, and flowers for visitors to smell, touch, and taste!

School groups, family groups, any groups of young folks are invited to sign up for a hands on gardening session by emailing

OK Tromp to visit the chickens!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ramp Hike and Cooking Class!

Last Saturday Dylan Kennedy, Resident Outdoor Educator, and Sherry Hurley, Owner of Farm to Fork Catering, joined together to offer a Ramp Hike and Cooking Class. Below are some highlights of the adventure and the delicious food that was created!

Dylan carrying Ramp harvesting tools on the hike to the creek

The class digging for Ramps

Dylan demonstrating how to sustainably harvest Ramps.


Bowl of Ramps, also known as wild leeks.

Sherry Hurley demonstrates how to incorporate seasonal wild edibles,
such as Ramps, to make any meal extra delicious!!!

Foxhollow Grass Fed Beef Chuck Eye Steak marinated in Bourbon Barrel Foods Kentuckyaki sauce plus minced Ramps!! And yes! You can eat those things that are growing in your yard including dandelions!

Cheese Ravioletti with Ramp Pesto garnished with violets, wild chives,
and Foxhollow hoop house grown nasturtiums! Yumm!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Today I spent some good quality time in our TOMATO HOUSE. We have created a lovely home for our heirloom tomatoes. We started with a large hoop house...covered it with a double layer of plastic sheeting and then attached a little hut at one end with a wood burning stove. VOILA a warm and cozy nursery for our young tomatoes.
Many thanks to our interns for stoking that wood stove at 2am!!

I tried to capture the sequence of their growth pattern... there is the leaf and stalk stage...then the little flowers bloom out the flower fades it gives way to the small green tomato toddler stage. (This is where we are now in the Foxhollow T House)

Next step...more swelling, growing greener and greener until finally that yummy tomato red starts to appear. We will let you know as soon as Tomato Harvest Days begin. Until then, I will cherish tip toeing into the T House...listening to the classical music playing on the radio chosen especially for the sake of the young ones...and drinking in the beauty and soul warmth of
new growth in the Spring.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

As I stroll throughout the farm I am greeted by so many Spring Babies. This is a close up of some of the baby vegetables that were planted as seeds in the greenhouse last month and are awaiting their big day to be transplanted to the gardens. It won't be long...just a few more weeks of growth and daily watering until they are ready to find their new home in the Market garden.